As a photographer, I love taking photos of things or events I find interesting, be they weddings, portraits or beautiful places around the globe. One medium I adore and like to explore is Polaroid.

For me, the romanticism is that every Polaroid film has an expiry date. Sometimes by using a film after it's expired, you can get even more beautiful colours. It's unpredictable and that's part of its charm. Sure, the immediacy of it has been matched by digital (and I'm a big fan of digital), but the whole notion of digital - the fact that a raw file is literally just numbers and information - makes it seem very clinical. You can take a photo, load it on to your mac and make a million identical copies. Brilliant for so many reasons. You can take a Polaroid, scan it in and make a copy, but that copy will never be identical. You will never get back to the original. And for me, that's the beauty.

In this digital day and age, film is sadly fighting a losing battle. It is well known that Polaroid announced early last year that they were to cease production of instant film. What is left is all that is left of this wonderful way of taking photographs.

Thanks for the comment on my blog !!
Have you seen the article on the possible polaroid revival in this week's British Journal of Photography ?? - it makes an intersting read.
Nope, but thanks to you I'm taking a little trip to Smiths tomorrow!
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