Friday, August 8, 2008

And the Winner is....

It is with great excitement that I announce that Photo Pro magazine & Annabel Williams' Contemporary Photographic Training have chosen me to be their Photo Protege 2008!

Over 200 photographers applied and I made it into the final six. Last month I travelled up to the Lake District for my interview and they contacted me the next day to confirm they had chosen me. I have won a Canon 5D with a top lens, as well as a place on the Annabel Williams Bespoke Course. Also I'll be featured in each issue with my own column, detailing how the course and my business are progressing. I've had such a great response from brides since I started up last year, but it's so brilliant to get such commendation from respected people in the industry.

This really is so exciting for me and my business and I'm really looking forward to getting going with the course in October. I will keep you all updated.

1 comment:

jessica said...

Congratulations my very clever sister. Fully deserved, can't wait to see what you'll do with it....