Monday, October 6, 2008

Photo Pro Profile

Winning the Photo Pro competition has already been a fantastic experience. I head up to the Lake District early tomorrow for the first three seminars of the Annabel Williams Bespoke Programme, which will really transform my business and allow me to achieve the heights I want to reach.

The current issue of Photo Pro magazine (November issue) features a double page spread which profiles me as a photographer and also displays some of my pictures from weddings over the last year. I hope you enjoy reading my progress on my blog which will feature in the magazine over the course of the next year. I have a feeling the next twelve months are going to be very important for Jodie Chapman Photography. Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am reading this while I am riding in the car on the way to a college football game. I find myself in the same position as you with a full time job and putting many hours onto creating a business. How have you been able to get experience shooting weddings?

Anonymous said...

Hi and thanks for your kind words.

I shot my first wedding for a family wedding & charged enough to cover my costs. I was lucky to be blessed with a great looking couple and a brilliant venue which meant I had a great show album straight away. But the best advice I can give is approach local photographers and ask if you can assist/second-shoot with them on a few weddings. I went to a wedding fair and did exactly that, and not only do you gain experience, you also get to make friends with people in the business.

Good luck!